Development Blog for Colorless

this blog is mostly regarding the core mechanic of the game which is the follow target mechanic 

when I start the transition from beat em up to a roguelite my vision was to have the player in a map and the enemies would just follow wherever the player went. 
so when I started, I did some research and found the follow target behavior from Stencyl. it worked wonders for the first version.
After adding the behavior, I tested it out it was ok but there was a problem, the enemy has to be on the scene only then can I make it work why?

because it requires me to click on the enemy, then go in to the inspector mode, refresh the customize section, only then would I be able to set who the target actor is. This was fine for the first version as I was just testing out mechanic and stuff.
However to make my vision happen I had to find another way to make it happen. As I intend to make it so that it spawns as waves.
With the help of the Stencyl discord, a member of the server was kind enough to help me with the problem and the fix was so easy i didn't know why I couldn't figure it out. 

This was the fix that made it work the way I want to.  Basically this made the player to always be the target.
and that is the journey of making the core mechanic of  my rougelite. 


Colorless Version 2 16 MB
71 days ago

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